Archive | August, 2008

too much wine….

20 Aug

What’s with the tango ?

Oh well, it’s complicated. Every time I hear it I have a river deep inside which starts flowing in a calm way…until it meets the rocks and it suddenly becomes temperamental. When you hear the tango… it is cold, it’s like the river, but when you dance it, you will feel an enormous quantity of heat inside, like when you’ve got fever and you take an aspirin.

It makes me feel secure, when you’re dancing with a man, and he’s a good leader there’s no chance you can make a wrong step, he holds you tight and leads you in the right direction.  That’s the best part of it, a tango lasts for a few minutes, it’s like in real life. You can’t always have someone to guide your steps so you don’t make any errors.  You get a good advice , and for a few moments you feel like your life flows and manages to make it’s way through the rocks, after that you’re on your own again, the tango has finished.

My summer of love :)

18 Aug

Poate sa-mi dea si mie cineva niste insecticid pentru fluturii din stomac? Foarte serios vorbesc eventual si niste palme. Sa ajung si prin Romania, ca de joi seara mintea mea e in Amsterdam. Cine oare a decis asa, fiecare are calea sa ? Asta pentru ca imi aduc aminte de playlistul de la Stuf.

Da, am fost prin vama, my life….like in the movies, pentru vreo 10 ore. Nu stiu cat de special poate sa fie, just the sea, shooting stars, almost full moon si mai tarziu a beautiful sunrise- like me- if you would listen to him 🙂

Acum revenind la lucruri mai serioase. Calatoria a inceput interesant ( merci mult Mihai pentru tot ), so, dupa ce l-am chinuit putin pe Mihai care m-a dus la gara pe la 1 am , ne-am urcat in tren si am terorizat toata lumea de acolo pentru ca erau fantome peste tot. Acum n-am nicio obsesie si nu cred sa fi inebunit inca, dar chiar erau, Miruna poate sa confirme. Trenul a intarziat evident vreo 90 de minute cel putin, apoi odata ajunse in Vama ne-am cazat la o batranica a dracu rau de tot. Adica nu e voie sa stai mai mult de 5 minute sub dus, nu trebuie sa dai drumul la apa daca te speli pe dinti, ei au voie sa te trezeasca la 6 dimineata dar tu n-ai voie sa ii trezesti pe ei la 4 etc.

Uhmm si nu. N-am facut plaja, n-am inotat, n-am intrat in mare decat pana la genunchi but i had the time of my life 🙂 With the best company on the beach and on the phone 🙂

Si ce daca are 2 m , si ce daca e in Amsterdam I’m crazy and don’t I know it 😀

P.S: Puteti sa uitati de insecticidul ala 😉

It’s the same old theme

12 Aug

Ai grija cu ce iti doresti ca s-ar putea sa devina realitate! Asta e cel mai bun sfat pe care sunt in masura sa-l dau acum. Summertime, and the living is easy, fish are jumping…la propriu chiar i-am vazut. But in the end tomorrow is another day, right? And the day after tomorrow will hopefully be better than today and tomorrow.

You want peace? Think again, are you sure you want it? Why? Making war and not love is so damn trendy these days, let’s shoot everything that gets is our way, yey, let’s have some fun, ooohh, that’s so f***ing cool. It’s bloomy hot outside, and our brains melt in the heat 🙂 What a lovely view .

And the most stupid thing is that I’m not easy , and I sure give a damn !